All is Not Lost Podcast

Signs From Spirit and The Universe-Part 2

Rianne Season 1 Episode 204

In this episode, I expand on my discussion of Signs from Spirit and move onto Signs, or Nudges from the Universe. 

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 Spirit, does it stay? Does it go? The fact is, spirit does survive death. Our loved ones are all around us. Love survives. Spirit survives. All is not lost. Welcome to the All Is Not Lost podcast. Here's your host, psychic, and evidential medium, Rhian Malden.

So in the other part of this episode, I talked about signs from our loved ones and spirit and how they communicate with us and how we can communicate with them and why that's so important. But I wanted to further this with signs or nudges from the universe or God, the divine, whatever words you're comfortable with.

Uh, let's see. Also spirit guides and angels. We are constantly being guided from all kinds of places. The problem is we don't listen. Um, we, we tend to ignore when we have it, a gut feeling about something. We rationalize a, in a way, Or we just don't believe it or don't hear it. I mean, there's a million reasons that, or reasons that we don't listen on ways in which we don't listen or pay attention.

But it doesn't mean the communication and the guidance isn't there because it is always there. And I'm guilty too. I mean, I'm not saying I'm special and I always listened to my instincts and blah, blah, blah. No, it's, that's not the case. I have to remind myself all the time. To stop and listen and actually hear or feel the guidance I'm getting and I don't always take it, but , I look back later and wish I had, you know, most of the time.

So I'm not coming at you from a position of like, I'm better or know what I'm doing. I'm just giving you ideas, things to think about and examples and hopefully some ways in which you can use these signs to make changes for the better in your. So, like I said, in the other part, our deceased loved ones send us signs that they wanna communicate with us, and sometimes they even send us guidance.

But there's a little caveat there. Just because someone's dead doesn't make them all knowing. I'm gonna say that again. Just because somebody passed away. It doesn't mean that all of a sudden they're the best giver of advice. So, you know, if your Aunt Susie didn't make the best choices in life, she might not be the one to give you the best advice from the spirit plane that.

Not always is. That's not always true. But let's just go with that just in case, you know? So we gotta kind of consider the source too. They can guide us, they can love us, they can do things like that, but we still need to remember that they were human and they have a human perspective. So on the other side of that, when I'm mentioning spirit guides, angels, and God, whatever your word for God is, that's a little bit.

I think in those cases, it's my belief that, especially when I'm believing that God is guiding me really important to listen to that stuff, it's there for a reason. I also believe that our, let's see, how do we put this into words? Our body is like a really big antenna for what is right and what is wrong.

Inside of us and what we should and shouldn't do. I think as we're getting this guidance from above, let's say guidance from the higher realms or universe, whichever to encompass everybody that's up there guiding us down here, um, when they come through with these nudge. We're gonna feel it in our bodies.

You know, are we gonna feel butterflies like we're excited, or are we gonna feel some dread in our gut? Are we gonna get all tense in our shoulders and feel cortisol levels rising? You know? Or are we gonna feel peaceful and calm? Your body is going to be your best indicator of what choices. Might wanna make, I, I hesitate to say should or shouldn't, but I think you can know what I mean.

That if you're listening to your body, if you're asking your, if you're asking your higher self a question or you're asking God a question, should I do this? And all of a sudden you feel like you wanna throw up, you don't feel good, you feel like you wanna run away, curl up in a ball, whatever. I would say that answer is probably, you shouldn't.

But not always. It might just mean it's gonna be challenging for you and actually overcoming those challenges are gonna make you feel better. So it's really individual and it's individual to the topic at hand. But let's see. So I also mentioned that this kind of touches on manifestation, but I'm not teaching you about manifestation.

So just bear with me here as I go along with that. What I want to help you do is recognize how what you're already doing might be manifesting things in your life, whether you consider them to be good or bad, and how you can make those changes if you don't like what's happening in your life. I need to start with the idea, making it very clear to you that.

These messages. When I say nudges, it's because they're super subtle. It's not gonna be this big booming voice from God coming down telling you, Rhian, you need to go do this. Or Rhian, no, avoid that. It's not gonna be like that. It's gonna be so subtle, like a little whisper or a little flicker almost, that if you weren't paying attention, you would.

So you've gotta really be on the lookout. You've gotta really be in tune with your body. That's where, when I mentioned earlier about having some quiet moments in your day, there's times that I will actually leave 15 minutes early to pick up my kids, just because I wanna sit in the car, in the parking lot away from the door for those 15 minutes and just sit and breathe and listen and hear what the universe is trying to tell me.

You know, we, we've gotta create those little pockets of quiet because the messages are so small and so subtle. Another thing I'm, I'm really gonna point out, I'm gonna give you great examples of this, is sometimes we cannot see what this little tiny message or this little tiny nudge. What it's gonna bring to our life that's gonna be really impactful because it could be years down the road, it could literally be 10 years down the road before you see the fruition of this nudge that you got today.

And that's why I wanna tell you. I hate it when people tell me to journal. Every class I've ever taken, whether it's mediumship, meditation, dreams, whatever, journal, journal, journal, I'm not a big journaler. I always try. I have a million journals. I think they're beautiful. I fill up a couple pages and then they end up being my to-do lists.

I, I admit it. I'm human. I make mistakes. Not a big journaler, but in this. I will give you an example that I have one little journal. It's green, it's light green, dark green, got these little hatch marks on it. It's super cute. I don't, I think I got it in a three packet Costco like 10 years ago, and then I didn't wanna use it because it was too pretty, because I'm also weird like that.

But I finally decided to use this little journal however many years. I think like five, and I'm so glad that I did, and I pick it up and I put it down and I forget about it for six months and then I find it, and then I read it back through it. But, oh my gosh, it was one of the best things I ever did because I was able to look back at things I wrote down 3, 4, 5 years ago and see how many of them actually came true things I wanted.

Or things I wanted to do, changes I wanted to make, and I was able to be like, oh my God, nine outta 10 of those things I wrote down actually happened, and I forgot about all of that. I forgot I even wrote it down. So that's kind of what I'm trying to explain to you today about manifestation, but. Not totally teaching you about manifestation or making this a manifestation topic, because that could be a topic all in itself, and I don't really get into that more just assessing your life right now and taking a moment to look back at events that led you where you are today and being able to.

Oh my gosh, that terrible thing that happened or that really awesome thing that happened. I'm really glad those happened because look, I wouldn't be where I am today if they hadn't. And the flip side of this, or extension of this is once you do this exercise and you see why and how you got where you are now, well, you can use that to propel you to a different direction in the.

And I think that's the crux of what I wanna get through to you today is find a journal that you like that you'll use and you can do two things. You can either start with today and what you want going forward. And you know, pick pretty pens, you know, if that's your thing. Or scribble with a pencil. It, it really doesn't matter because this is for you.

But write down things you wanna do, where you wanna go, goals, dreams, hopes, and write as crazy as you think they can be. I read this amazing book by Sonya Joette about your, I think it's called Your Psychic Pathway. And she has this exercise in there where, you know, over a seven day period, you, you write down, you start with 21 things that you want.

And, and one of her examples was it could be as crazy. I want a fancy dress and a party to wear it too. I'm telling you, it can be anything. So you write down all these things that you want and that you want for your life or your family, whatever it is. And then you kind of put it away and you forget about it, and you look back at it later and you notice how many of these things happen in your life and you see, you begin to see how much control you have.

But what I need to add in there, and depending on your belief system, take, take what you want, leave the rest behind. I think that this is where I'm trying to incorporate the idea to you that some of these nudges have to come. From something higher than ourselves, from the universe, from God, from spirit guides, from angels, whatever you want to call them.

If you wrote down that, one of mine, for example, is I want a second house. I want a house in the mountains. I crave the mountains I love, or I live in Arizona. It has its own beauty. I'm happy to be here, but my soul gets fed in the mountains with trees. There's just something about it that does it for me.

So if you write down, I want a second house in the mountains, and then you kind of put your little journal away and you kind of forget about it, well, you need to then be aware that spirit is gonna guide you and gonna nudge you into making little teeny adjustments, choices, jobs you're gonna take, people you're gonna meet, um, opportunities, I don't know, extra money to pay off a credit card that was keeping your.

You know, low where you couldn't have bought a house if you wanted to, whatever it is. All these little things that you think in the moment mean nothing. But if you were to eventually get that second house in the mountains and look back at all the little things it took, that got you to that point, like, oh my gosh, if I hadn't have won that $5,000.

Then I wouldn't have paid off that credit card and my credit would've stayed in the toilet and I wouldn't have been able to qualify for a mortgage on the second house. You know, whatever it is. Or, oh, I went to that party I didn't really wanna go to cuz I hate parties and I was tired and I wasn't feeling great.

But I met this real estate agent who was awesome and just happened to put a new listing up that day for the perfect house in the mountains. I mean, seriously, it is that kinda stuff. You don't notice it in the. You're at that party, you're hating every minute of it. You're tired, your feet hurt. You wanna go home and you're making chit chat with this real estate agent who hands you their card and you happen to feel better the next day.

And oh, look at their website, and there's that mountain house and oh my gosh, it's in your price range. So again, in the moment you can't see it for what it is. That's the exercise here is being able to look back or look forward both and. How this is helping in your life. The other way to use your journal, you could even split your journal in half or not half, because I wouldn't want you to focus too much on the past.

Maybe dedicate a few pages where, for example, I was talking with my son today, he. Is getting engaged very soon. Super exciting. But the circumstances leading up to him meeting his fiance are like crazy. But it's fun to look back and go, how did we get here? Wow, that's super cool. So she lives in another state from us and they were kind of retracing the steps about all the decisions in in life that brought them together.

And it was funny, we used to live in Idaho. And my son started high school in Idaho and he was doing well. He was on cross country. He liked it. He had his friends. Everything was great, but for various reasons, my husband and I wanted to move across the border into Spokane, Washington, and my son was not thrilled with that idea.

He didn't wanna leave his friends, he didn't wanna leave his high school. He was happy. And for the remainder of the year, I drove him from Washington back to Idaho every day for school. But then when the new school year, We knew he needed to go to school in Spokane. It just made more sense and finished his last two years there.

And my husband found a really great private school, and at the time, we couldn't really afford it. Actually. We couldn't afford it at all, but the universe aligned. We got some scholarships, whatever, whatever. He went to the school and it ended up being the best experience of his life. He made friends at that school that he's still friends with today.

Funny enough, , one of those friends introduced him to somebody who he became friends with as well. And my son ended up being in this other friend's wedding, and at the wedding he fell in love with this new friend's sister, and that's who he's getting married to. So, He was noticing how he was so resistant to the idea of moving to Washington.

He hated every minute of it, and he was, you know, mad at us. He didn't wanna go. But had we not moved to Washington and he hadn't met these friends who were still his friends today and they hadn't introduced him to their college friends, He would not have met his fiance. And what's even funnier is he used to run cross country races in the same city that his fiance currently lives in.

So she was there all along and he was minutes from her and never knew it. They would've, you know, maybe crossed paths and didn't know it. So those little nudges, you might hate it at the moment. You might not understand why it matters. You might, you know, But the point is you don't know where it's leading you.

So if you can take a few minutes to look back like, okay, I'm here today. What did I go through in my past that was good, bad, indifferent, but now I know had impact on my life today? You'll then see what I'm trying to impart on you about the control you can actually have in your life, but also how spirit guides you along the way.

So think of it like this. A tree has a billion branches, right? You could go any direct. . If one choice is going to lead you to the outcome you want, but you don't listen and take that path, well then what's gonna happen? So all those billions of choices in front of you every single day, if you can tune in and take a quiet moment and ask for guidance, which path is going to get?

Where I wanna go. Let's go back to the house in the mountains example. I want a house in the mountains. How do I get there? Well, think about it. You've got to be able to listen to the nudges. Say you're offered a job and it's not the job you thought you wanted. You have one job on your mind. Like, this is the work I do.

This is the job I want. That's all I'm good at. That's all I know how to do. I'm only gonna. But then somebody offers you a job and you're like, I don't know what the heck that is. I don't know how to do it, but it sounds intriguing, and they seem to think I'd be great for it. Hmm. Well go quiet. Go within and listen.

Maybe this job you didn't expect or didn't think you wanted is the one that's gonna put you in touch with whatever circumstances are gonna lead you down the road to get you that house in the mountains that you wanted. It's just, it's, it's simple as, It could be complicated. You could make it complicated, but really it's not.

And to fully understand the power you have, not only in figuring out what you want, but in working as a team with spirit to get what you want is super important. But I think you will learn the importance by looking back at other situations in your life. I'm gonna give you another real world example. I grew up in California.

I lived there until I was 30. I didn't know any different thought it was great in its own ways, whatever. Today I really, I don't care about California. I don't wanna live there. I don't wanna be there. I really don't even wanna admit I'm from there. It's just not what it used to be, and I don't like it.

It's too crowded. You can't even find a parking spot at the beach. It's, I don't know, just not my, not my jam anymore. But when we were living in Washington State, my husband was applying for a new job. He was feeling stagnant at his, at his work. And I think I've talked a little bit about this in another episode, but he applied for a job that would take him into a new level, um, higher up the corporate ladder where he wanted to be at.

And he was super excited because he got the job and it paid more money than he'd ever been paid before. And it was like all he could think about the bad part. It was in California and I did not want to go back. I did not wanna leave in California. I was just, Ugh, God. I felt terrible about it. Didn't wanna go.

Loved where we were living in Spokane. Loved our friends, loved our lives, loved everything, and. Couldn't see myself going back to California, but that was our agreement. You know, I was a stay-at-home mom, I was a supportive wife, and that's what we were gonna do. And so we made our way back to California and I'm sure, because some of this is from my nasty attitude, but all these weird things just kept happening that made it feel like it was the world's worst, worst decision.

For example, we, the company who hired. Had a relocation package. So we had movers and I kid you not, we got a call as we were in California staying with family, waiting for our entire household of belongings to be delivered. I'm talking everything. My daughter's cloth, diapers, our baby books, our birth certificates.

Every single thing we owned was in this semi truck. Well, we get a call, I think it was even from the police. They had pulled over the truck driver for doing something wrong. Speeding, I guess, or, uh, I think also his registration was expired. Pulled him over only to find out he didn't even have a driver's license.

It had been revoked, like it, it kind of couldn't have been worse. So they pulled the truck over on the side of the grape grapevine in California. Look that up. Kind of the middle of nowhere, a mountain. And if I'm correct, San Bernardino County type, I'm not positive. Pulled the truck over with our belongings and they took the guy to jail and there's our belongings sitting on the side of the road for almost a week.

Everything we owned was on the side of the road in a semi-trailer, just, just abandoned. So that was like weird incident for one. And then, The house we were trying to rent, we, we finally got there and we were doing like the pre walkthrough inspection. Um, one, the lady didn't even wanna rent to us.

Basically. My mom had to convince her that we were decent people, for whatever reason, she didn't even wanna rent to us. But we get in the house and I'm doing the pre walkthrough or the, yeah, the walkthrough and all I can find is fault. Everything's broken. The doors are dented, the drawers don't work, this and that.

I just got a nasty attitude and everything in the house I didn't like. So it was more and more of this kind of stuff, I think, because my attitude was bad about going to California. Everything else just looked bad or happened to be bad. Well, it ended up also that the job sucked. He hated every minute of it, and he was never home.

I mean, he really truly only came home on Friday night and he left Monday morning. The whole situation just sucked. But I'm, the point of my story is to show you why we don't always know what's best for us, and we have to just follow these nudges from the universe. We had actually lived in Arizona about a year and a half, um, gosh, back in 2008, nine ish when our daughter was a newborn, and I hated every minute.

A lot of hate here. Right.  about where I live. So I didn't like Arizona at the time. I couldn't see any beauty of it cuz all I had ever lived in was California. And so we were there such a short amount of time that it was like a blip on the radar. But our time there, I had made a friend who had a daughter the same age and we, we became really, really good friends.

We're friends to this day and our daughters are turning 14 in, oh my gosh, couple months. So, Anyway, there we are in California. Miserable hate and everything. I never see my husband, you know, your money doesn't go as far in California. It just sucked. But my friend from Arizona, her and her husband were gonna come to San Diego for their anniversary, and we agreed that we would meet for lunch.

And I kid you not, you could probably find this in the news. The day they were driving up to meet us, they were on the freeway heading up to Temecula from San Diego or Murrieta. I think we were living at that point, at an airplane, landed on the freeway and was blocking traffic. I mean, seriously, how many literal roadblocks could we have gone through?

At this time, but somehow we managed to still meet up and have lunch, and I will never forget. This conversation is so clear in my mind. That's why I also know it was from spirit. We're sitting there and my friend is lamenting about how her best friend next door neighbor is moving. They're selling their house and she's so sad because one, she's gonna miss her friend, but.

She's worried about who's gonna move into that house and be her new neighbor. You know, that's always a concern. And my husband looked at her husband and said, ah, what are houses going for in Arizona these days? Anyway, , and I remember when her husband said, Oh, you know, like 240,000 you said it like it might as well have been a million dollars.

Right? Well, us being from California, our jaws dropped. We're like, are you kidding me? Because here we tried to buy a house in California and they were like $800,000, just a standard cookie cutter house in the neighborhood we were renting in. It was insane. We're not gonna buy a house like that in a, it's a town we don't even wanna.

So when, when our friend was like, oh, like 240,000, we were, we looked at each other like, oh my God, are you kidding me? And I'm gonna just fast forward here. Details don't matter. 30 days later, we were moving into our house in Arizona that we bought the first house my husband and I bought together after all our years of being together was 30 days later.

So the crux of the story is, I didn't wanna be in California. I didn't wanna move there. All I could do was find fault. Everything was miserable. But Spirit knew better than I did. Spirit knew better than any of us did, and put us there strategically. And I'll tell you why. Even more so, that job that he took that pushed him into the next bracket of his position, you know, next higher up position.

Also the was a, um, a factor in qualifying to buy a house, but also that job paid a bonus. It was the first job he'd ever had that paid out big bonuses at the end of the year, and it happened to come around March, I think, March or April. I don't know. It kind of matters, doesn't matter. But so on paper, at that time, on a loan application, he had a really awesome.

With a lot of good job history behind it, and we had enough money in the bank to not only pay off some minor credit card debt, but also have money sitting in the bank so that when we were on paper, on the loan application, we looked really good and we were able to buy a house and move within 30 days. We never could have seen that coming.

I'm just, I'm telling you, there were years and years and years my husband wanted to buy a house. I said, we're not ready. We can't afford it. You know, we don't make enough money if the furnace breaks were doomed. You know, that kind of stuff. We just didn't, we weren't ready and then boom, we were ready. I owe that to spirit.

I mean, you can't deny it. I, of course, skeptics people out there could be like, no. It was just the way it lined up and it was time. Nope, I know for a hundred percent, looking back over that situation that it was meant to be kind of like how my son met as fiance. Just these little steps we take, these things we listen to, or things that happen and that we think we don't like them or that they're not right for us.

Well, guess what? We're not the best. Person to decide. Um, spirit is, God is and, um, we need to listen. So I'm going to, let's see. I had one more example I wanted to give you kind of like the journal. I don't think it's quite as impressive as the buying the house story, but. This is just kind of funny. I think when I was reading Sonya's book about, uh, the Psychic Pathway and I was doing her exercise about writing down the 21 things you want, and then each day, over seven days, you kind of rewrite it, rewrite it, rewrite it each day until you're down to your three top three things.

And it can change every day, if I remember the exercise correctly. But I was, it was during that time and I decided I just had some scratch piece of.  and I wrote down all these things that I wanted. And what's funny is if you study manifestation, they teach you to write it as if you already have it. So like for example, I had wanted a new laptop.

And if you're following traditional manifestation teachings, you would say, I have a new laptop, or I'm enjoying my new laptop, whatever, to to tell the universe you already have it. Well, Sonya did it differently. She had you write, I wish, remember, I wish for a fancy dress and a party to wear it, or I wish for a house in the mountains.

So at that time I was practicing it Sonya's way and I gotta tell you it works. So I'm not the teacher of manifestation. This worked saying, I wish, and that's not talking about it in the present. So I wrote on this scratch paper. I remember the few items specifically that stood out. I wrote, I want a fresh new haircut, like a completely new revamp of myself.

I want a new lap, or I wish for a new haircut. I wish for a new laptop. I wish for a new car. Um, I wish to be debt. Those were like the four main ones I could remember. Well, as I've mentioned before, I have a million children it feels like most days. So my refrigerator is covered with kid artwork and kid awards and all of that.

Well, my list was on the fridge, but it got buried under all of this kid artwork and I completely forgot about it. Like truly. Until one day I, it was about six months later, I was cleaning off the fridge and filing away all of the artwork and awards and such, and I came across my list and I grabbed it off the fridge and I started reading it and I was like, oh my God.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Every thing I wished for had come true. And I'm not kidding you, when I wrote on there that I wanted to be debt free, I wish to be debt free, I had completely forgotten. We. During that time had the opportunity to refinance our house, pay off some debt, and even get a lower payment. We were debt free in the sense that I meant, I had also, my husband had come into some money and bought me a new laptop.

I had also gotten a new haircut and the, our old car, I don't even remember how it happened, but oh yeah, we got into a car accident. Somebody hit me, she ran a red light, hit my car, totaled it, and we got a new. So every single thing on my list that I had wanted came true. That's nuts. And um, I'll leave you with one more special example.

This is probably my most special. Remember the little green journal I told you about with little hatch marks, like green, dark green that I pick up every so often and then lose for a couple months and whatever? Well, Four or five years ago, I wrote in there that I wanted to train in England for my mediumship.

I had just become aware of, um, Arthur Finlay College and some other really awesome teachers and things in England and at, at that time. I've changed since then, but at that time I thought that, Training for mediumship in England was the end all, be all. Like if you could go to England and practice your mediumship, well, you've made it.

That's that's where I was in my thought process back then. So I wrote in my little journal, I wish to train in England with my mediumship and I tucked it away. About a year later, there was some event with a medium that I like. Um, John Holland, he was doing a trip to England to some historical castles and sites and things, and they were gonna talk about mediumship.

And I wanted to go, but at the time, like the money wasn't right or the dates weren't right or something, and I, and I just couldn't go. And so I got a little discouraged, but kept on with life. Well, in September. Of 2021, I guess maybe 2020. I don't remember. Sometime during Covid I had to take a job again. I hadn't worked a like real job in many years because I mostly had been a stay at home mom.

My spiritual stuff I did, you know. Here and there, but I'm talking like I had to go back to work, work. My husband had been furloughed during Covid and I had gotten in contact with an old colleague and she needed help and it, I could work remotely and our family needed the help. So I took the job and it definitely wasn't any kind of spiritual work and actually was kind of soul crushing work, but it paid the bills and then some, I mean, I was making some pretty good money.

Well, there I am somehow on Facebook, which if any of you know me, you know that I, I don't really like being on social media . I'm having to learn how to do that for my business because I don't really enjoy it. But there I was on social media and I happen to find a, a medium in England who is a tutor at Arthur.

And I think I met her through Covid when I took an online class. That's right. I took an online Arthur Finlay college class and I really liked her. And so I started following her on Facebook. Well, there was, it was a September, and I looked at my screen and I saw that she was starting a private mentorship class in England and that it would be four parts.

And I wrote to her and I. I'm in America, can I come to your class? And she like laughed at me. She said, it's a weekend course. Why would you come over for that? And I, I remember writing back something like, because I can and I'd love to and I wanna learn from you. And I don't know if I could do all four parts, but I'd really like to come for one and this is my dream and blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, she let me come and it was amazing and I went three times and it was everything I could have hoped for, but the point. I found that Green Journal shortly thereafter, and I was reading through it and I saw where I wrote years before I wished to train in England for my mediumship, and I like slammed the book down and I, I thought, oh my God.

This stuff just works.  what? So there I was hating that I had to go back to work because I was missing out on everything in my kids' lives, and I was super stressed out. I had to put all my spiritual work aside because this job was very, very time intensive, labor intensive, mentally stressful, and I was begrudgingly working.

But the, the money was good and that, and we needed it and. Now I can look back and say, I think God put that job in my path. If my husband hadn't been furloughed, I wouldn't have taken this job. If I hadn't have taken this job, I wouldn't have had the money to pay for a trip to England. Also, I wouldn't have been so hungry for following my spiritual work if I hadn't have also been in this stressful other job, other worldly job.

Again, another real world example for you guys to see that somebody out there knows a lot more than we do, and we may not like every path we're put on, but we've got to be wise enough to understand we might be put on this path for a really good reason, but we might not see it for five or 10 years. We might not see it for a year, six months, whatever it is.

But it's happening the way it's supposed to, when it's supposed to, how it's supposed to. But we have to be aware and listen and trust and make clear. Here's the crux. Make clear what you want. What do you want from the universe? What do you want outta your life? What do you wanna do? Where do you wanna go?

Who do you wanna be? Who do you wanna meet? Write it down, put it out there. Share it with the universe and. Listen and take the steps and the actions necessary to get yourself there. Cause you're not gonna get there on your own. I remember when I was a kid, my mom would say, God helps those who help themselves.

And I believe that to this day. Sure, you can write down what you want, but then you can't just sit on your couch and eat Cheetos and watch Netflix and wait for it to knock on your door. You do have to take some steps. So anyway. There's . There's a lot of information there and a lot of examples, but if you take away from it today, any, or if you take away anything from today, what I'd like for you to take away is one, look back at the things, the events, the people, the all of the steps it took to get you where you are today, whether it's a good or a bad place.

Look what got you here because then number two, I invite you. Look at where you want to go, where you want to be, what you want to do, what you want to accomplish, and trust that whatever steps, whatever paths are put in your in front of you are going to get you there. You just have to know it. And lastly, I'll leave you with this, even though I said you can't then sit on your couch eating Cheetos and watching Netflix and not doing any of the work, there's also a fine line between hounding it to death.

You can't. Study your list all day long about what you want and, and, and, um, wish and hope and all of this because you're sending out into the universe a feeling of desperation. It's more like, this is what I want and I'm going to take the steps I need to get it, and I'm at peace with that decision. And then you kind of go about your day, go ahead and have some Cheetos and watch some Netflix and, and then, you know, maybe go to a party and meet some people you didn't really wanna meet, but they end up bringing you some great opportunities.

You know, kind of dip your feet into both. But anyway, I'll leave you with that and I'd love to hear from you. Please, please email me. You can email me at hello all is not lost Share your stories, share with me some signs. Spirit you've, you've received or whatever special signs you've put in place with your loved one, or share with me your journey, how you have put some of these things into place, or what you've looked back and realized things that might have been terrible at the time, led you to a really great place you're in today.

I'd love to hear this stuff, um, because I think we all have examples. Um, until next time, thank you so much for being here, and I hope this gives you something to ponder. Thank you so much for joining me again on All Is Not Lost. I just love having you here. I love talking about these things that are valuable and important and bring comfort and healing to our lives, or some excitement, , who doesn't love a good ghost story.

So I love having you here listening and sharing these experiences with. If you'd like to be a guest on this show or you have a topic idea for the show, you can find us at all is not lost, and click on the tab, be a guest. If you're interested in a mediumship reading with me or you're just curious about what a reading looks like, you can also visit

I will put the link of that in the show notes. I, I know my name is hard to. Also, if you've enjoyed today's episode or any of our episodes, please be sure to rate and review wherever you listen to your podcasts. This helps me continue to bring you exciting and impactful guests and also provide you with useful content.

And as always, thank you so much for listening to All Is Not Lost, and I look forward to seeing you next time.